Atelier d’Activités Artistiques « Fabre Vieux »
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Workshop Making Theatre through Light Design
Week: 2 to 9 May 2015
Theatre Workshop at Fabre Vieux, France

Light has an important role in the theatre. It has a big influence on the stage image. With light you can change the space from a frigid winter night in a sweet summer night, a bare empty area in a dense jungle. But light in theatre don't has to be necessarily a theater spot.
In this workshop we will work out of the natural light from the location, we will work on the hills and in the buildings of Château Fabre Vieux.
How can be light a starting point for a character and a story?
How can we transform that natural in artificially light in a neutral space to convey the same content in a new form? We will work with alternative light sources such as candles, light bulbs, leds and flashlights. But also with slide- and film projection.  During the work week you become accompanied in acting and script by Tom Willems and in lighting design and projection by Thomas rand.
The result of this intensive workshop week is a presentation on the locations of the theatre material created with light as a starting point.

Motivation to experiment is more important than a long experience in working with theatre light.

Workshop week 'all in'
This Workshop consists of:
- 6 working days
- use of equipment and materials
- breakfast, lunch and dinner every day
- light meal at arrival, drinks at the final presentation and a festive dinner the last day

During this workshop most of the participants sleep at CHATEAU Fabre Vieux in France. There are various possibilities: from camping to sleeping in a dormitory to the more luxurious Bakery house
During this workshop the host of Fabre Vieux will prepare all meals every day for you. The prices are inclusive, with the exception of the drinks you use out of lunch and dinner.

Students receive a discount of 100 € on the total price.
Early bird discount when you register before first of March.

You want to choose only the workshop without overnight stay? That is possible for 400 €.; for students 300 €. These prices are inclusive the daily breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Tom Willems is theatre-maker and theatre teacher
During his theatre study Tom became fascinated by site specific theater and graduated in 1996 as Theater teacher from Theatre School of the Amsterdam School of the Arts with the performance on location ' Family de Boer '.  After his study he was five years associated with Bodytorium of artist/choreographer Susaku Takeuchi. With this group he travelled throughout Europe to make performances on very diverse locations. In this period Tom got specialized in the sensorial theatre with location as a starting point. He developed a method whereby the location of the performance is not only a place where is played, but whereby the location is approached sensorial and as such a discipline within the performance. What is the expressive power of that location, how it dictates the movement, how is the light, how can you manipulate the location? How does the theatrical body relates itself to that specific location?
This resulted in many interdisciplinary performances that can be played only on that specific location to preserve their expressiveness and meaning.
Tom Willems
Thomas Brand
Thomas Brand is teacher / lecturer light and video. Thomas started as a designer at location theatre performances.  In a black box you can make everything, but you can't deny  a location and it asks for a different way of approaching. He likes to work with that limitation. Gradually, he became fascinated by the possibilities of exposure. Light brings a location alive and turns it into another world. Also the performance depends strongly on light.
Where do you focus the attention of the viewer? What do you show and what not? In each performance the light exposure is used differently; when this happens in the right way, it will complete the performance and all elements will fall in place.
For Thomas is light not only a theatre light spot: also slide and video projections are forms that you can use in a good design. By adding and using moving images into a theatre scene you can add a timeline, which makes light almost equal to the actor, as it is almost becoming a fellow player.
According to Thomas, light must not be the last style element at the very end of the rehearsal process, but should be a discipline that already has to be involved from the first rehearsal.
Thomas Brand

Choice and prices of the accommodations
Click here for more information about the accommodations
Click here for an entry form for the course
